Leave a Legacy

“Those of us in the Capital Region have been fortunate to have easy access to wonderful theatre presented by the Capital Repertory Theatre. That access is due in part to the thoughtful and generous people who not only contribute yearly but also make theREP part of their financial legacy. You can’t take it with you so leave it to the arts and enable future generations to enjoy wonderful, easily accessible theatre.”
Don & Roberta Steiner
Legacy Society Members
Giving back for the Future
Do you remember your first experience at Capital Repertory Theatre (theREP) – the excitement of seeing a live performers, the magic of the scenery?
THE MOMENT IS YOURS – As we look to the future, it is time to create these moments for the next generation – moments to make hearts race and dreams sore. Moments to remember forever.
Making a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support of theREP, help sustain the arts in our community and ensure that generations to come experience that same thrill of live theatre.
Legacy gifts will increase our endowment and continue our work to:
- Fund and develop new plays and new productions, maintaining a track record of innovative world premieres.
- Support Neighbors to Neighbors community partnerships, connecting Arbor Hill and nearby residents to events, resources and programs at theREP
- Provide a permanent scholarship fund for students and schools, delivering educational programs and On-The-Go touring productions that impact more than 10,000 students a year.
- Preserve theREP’s historic, award-winning facility for future generations.
Planned gifts through your estate
You may consider leaving a bequest to theREP as part of your estate plans. As with all financial decisions, a Planned Gift should be designed with care. Our development team with work closely and confidentially with you and your legal advisors to help you plan for your specific needs and the needs of your family.
Already included Capital Repertory Theatre in your estate plans – Thank You! Please let us know so we can personally thank you and induct you in our Legacy Society.
Capital Repertory Theatre Legacy Society recognizes those generous individuals who have included theREP in their estate plans. Members are listed in our playbill, digital signage in our VIP lounge. Legacy members are also invited to educational and informational events throughout the year and attend a Legacy Society dinner annually. Member can remain anonymous if preferred.
To learn more about the Capital Repertory Legacy Society, please contact
Barbara Bishop Ward at bward@proctorscollaborative.org or (518) 382-3884 x133