Eclipsed (Bttuny)

Thursday, May 29, 2025 to Sunday, June 08, 2025

By Danai Gurira

“Eclipsed” tells the story of five Liberian women and their tale of survival near the end of the Second Liberian Civil War.

Their lives set on a nightmarish detour by civil war, the captive wives of a Liberian rebel officer form a hardscrabble sisterhood. With the arrival of a new girl who can read—and the return of an old one who can kill—their possibilities are quickly transformed.

Drawing on reserves of wit and compassion, these defiant survivors ask: when the fog of battle lifts, could a different destiny emerge?

“Eclipsed” offers a chilling, humanizing and surprisingly funny portrait of transformation and renewal. This gripping play unearths the wreckage of war and celebrates the women who navigate and survive the most hostile of circumstances.

“Eclipsed” is a part of BTTUNY’s 24-25 season

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