European Theatre Tour

Capital Repertory Theatre’s Going Abroad Again … only this time we’re hitting up Italy to check out an Opera before heading to London for our traditional Theatre Tour.
Join theREP’s Producing Artistic Director, Maggie Mancinelli-Cahill and Assistant Artistic Director, Margaret E. Hall, for a fourteen-day whirlwind adventure. Tour the beautiful ancient city of water – Venice, Italy – with us, where we’ll take in an Opera before hopping over to London to continue our theatrically inspired adventure. This new and improved European Theatre Tour will take place May 8 – 21, 2018 – and space is limited. The trip combines group attendance at an Opera in Venice as well as five productions at several of London’s finest venues, opportunities to discuss the productions with Maggie, Margaret and fellow travelers, as well as ample free time to explore both Venice and London at your own pace, on your own.
Trip Includes:
• 4 nights in Venice and 8 nights in London at a Four-Star Hotel – breakfast included
• Airfare from Albany to Venice, Venice to London, and London to Albany
• Ground transportation to and from all overseas airports
• Tickets to an Opera in Venice and 4 theatre performances in London
• A trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon where we will see another show at the Royal Shakespeare Company
• 2 talkback sessions with Maggie, Margaret and fellow travelers to discuss productions
• A wonderful Welcome Banquet on your first night in each city
• A private 3-hour walking tour of Venice
• A private, half-day, bus tour of London
• Ample free time in Venice, London and Stratford, to enjoy on your own
• Pre-trip cocktail night with Maggie and Margaret, to answer questions, preview plays and meet your fellow travelers
• Travelers must be able to talk up to a mile at a time
For information contact Margaret E. Hall. | 518.462.4531 x410
The trip is limited to 24 people
$500 non-refundable deposit due by December 1, 2017
Balance due by February 1, 2018 includes $500 tax deductible donation to Capital Repertory Theatre
All for $5,600 | For theREP Subscribers: $5,500 (if deposit paid before October 15, 2017)